Contact Info
Contact: (310) 783-9263 or (310) 328-5156
E-Mail: kcatlin@insightstrategies.com
Website: InsightStrategies.com
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Availability: California; Nationwide
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Topics: Leadership, Motivational, Presentation Skills, Sales
Areas: Nationwide, S. California
Kevin Catlin’s colorful past is present in all his speeches and classes. Fresh out of high school and the army, working in a fish market, his goal was to “just get by”—until Fate gave him an opportunity. As a salesman riding the computer boom of the ’80s, his income skyrocketed from $1,200 to $20,000 a month until self-destructive behavior caught up with him and he lost everything. Then Catlin made a personal and professional U-turn that transformed his life, and his passionate talk shows how the techniques he used can work for you. “I studied why some people command more of life’s bounty than others,” he says, “and I learned the biggest secret of success, which can be taught and learned.” You’ll leave Kevin Catlin’s powerful presentations moved by his stories, humorous approach and obvious and contagious passion.
Demystifying Leadership
This is an excellent speech, breakout or course for individuals or companies wanting to develop the qualities of leadership in their management teams.
With insight and humor, Kevin Catlin demystifies qualities of leadership and shows how we can develop the qualities we admire most in our heroes. You’ll learn how great leaders use their excellent “sales” skills to communicate their belief in their mission to those who will carry it out. “A great leader acts as both coach and mentor,” “A source of inspiration leading to organizations that demand excellence in themselves” says Kevin, “Leadership is a learned behavior combining authenticity, EQ (Emotional Intelligence), and the ability to communicate and create followership. Would your team, workgroup, companies choose you to lead them if they could choose?
Selling Skills for People Who Don’t Like to Sell
Any frontline employees who have to sell or negotiate will benefit greatly from this talk, breakout session or class.
Do you enjoy selling and negotiating ? or dread it? 99% of us hate to sell but know we have to, whether it’s selling our services, pitching a new idea to the boss, motivating a colleague, or closing a deal for our company, we are selling everyday. “When I ask my audiences who has been to a class for selling or negotiating the number is miniscule”. “People tell me, ‘I’m on the phone all day, but I don’t know how to sell!’ Managing Partner at Insight Strategies, Inc. Kevin Catlin’s dynamic, interactive talk solves that problem once and for all, and his powerful, step-by-step method makes selling fun and enjoyable. “Selling has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. People are very savvy and should not be insulted with pure technique”. “You can learn how to express yourself in a way that gets people to listen and motivates them to act,” he says, adding that many leaders and historic figures we admire were excellent salespeople. You’ll learn the importance of a good opening, get comfortable with negotiating – and close more sales without the hard sell!
Power, Poise and Presence: Influence and persuade whether it’s 1 or 1000 people
This is an ideal session for keynote, breakout or best of all a class with interactive and personal coaching from Kevin.
“It usually takes me three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech” -Mark Twain
This is an ideal session for keynote, breakout or best of all a class with interactive and personal coaching from Kevin.
Its 1864 and Frederick Douglas an early African American human rights advocate and first black citizen to hold a high official office in the US government was scheduled to speak on the 4th of July. When his turn came he slowly made his way to the podium, put his hands on the sides surveyed his audience for several long moments and said “Why me, why invite me to address you when I and the people II represent are not free on this independence day”
Now that is how you open a speech!
Kevin teaches you to immediately engage your listener in all forms of persuasion. Dynamic speaking, influencing even leadership requires we gain and hold the attention of our listener. The opener is one of several keys. Don’t blow it with thank you statements slides and inanities. What about nerves? Can they be conquered? “Absolutely”, Kevin says. “Nerves are appropriate and even desirable, its just not managing them that debilitates the speaker” “I can help definitely with that”
Attendees of this speech, seminar or class will know how to prepare for their specific audience, pull them in from the first moment they begin, deliver powerful stories, quotes and metaphor and close with a stirring call to action, all while controlling their message, audience and their anxiety.
How to Get Your S–t Together and Quit Being a Dumbass
This talk is for at-risk teens or people struggling or would benefit by taking charge of their own lives.
So many of us make bad choices, but don’t beat yourself up because that is not going to help.
Remember: The reasons you are struggling are not the excuse; they’re the things you need to get over. We can talk about “why” forever, but the challenge is to change course and do something different ? and that’s where this talk can help. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Let’s break the cycle. This interactive talk explores the tipping points and decision points you’re facing, why you keep making the wrong decisions, and how to move toward the right ones. Through storytelling and real-life examples, we’ll look at decision points and how life constantly gives us choices.
Meet Kevin Catlin…
Kevin Catlin’s expertise is in Leadership and Managerial Skills Development through consulting, coaching and training.
His training techniques are distinctive and bring together the art and science of performance enhancement. Kevin excels working with all sides of an organization from executive levels to frontline employees. With over 30 years of owning, leading and managing four different companies, Kevin’s depth of experience and the ability to turn that experience into practicable learning is a key factor in his success.
Since joining Insight Strategies, he has provided professional services to Sun Microsystems, CitiFinancial, Santa Monica Big Blue Bus, and OCTA, to name a few. He has facilitated and developed entire Managerial Training Curriculums for several companies large and small.
Kevin is well-known for his powerful, inspirational and oftentimes humorous speeches. He has delivered graduate school lectures to the University of Southern California (USC) and University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA). Additionally, he has appeared on the KZLA Morning show as well as KRLA to discuss personal motivation and business coaching.
Other relevant experience includes sitting on the Board of Directors for Unident Inc, leading a national sales team for a major software company and serving in the United States military.
What people are saying…
“I wanted to tell you how wonderful your speech was. The interaction exercises were great as well. There was obviously a lot of thought that went into the presentation and it generated a lot of thought within our team. It was simply remarkable and I have heard only very positive things from the Managers who attended. They have begun to ask me when you can come in again. So, I just want to extend my personal thanks, it could not have been any better!”
—Rose Straub, Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Sun Chlorella-USA
“Kevin did a great job. He is a great communicator. Let’s face it, he’s a great sales guy.”
—Davis Padilla, Outside Sales, Eagle Community Credit
“I’ve been tremendously uplifted personally and found the desire to inspire and motivate. Now when I look in the mirror, I see ‘WINNER’ in great big letters stamped on my forehead – and you will too!”
—Derek Sanders, CitiFinancial
“I wanted to thank you for the outstanding motivational talk you gave to our workshop clients. The dramatic and courageous recounting of your personal odyssey towards self- understanding and fulfillment held everyone spellbound and was very moving. Your personal story was a catalyst for everyone in the audience to think of their own story of obstacles and hardships and gave everyone hope to overcome their own areas of self-limitation and insecurity. I thank you sincerely for your generously giving of yourself and your time to make a difference to your workshop audience from the Reach for Success unit.”
—Diethard Sille, Gain Services Supervisor