Contact Info
Contact: (818) 782- 6869 Fax: (818) 994-9678
E-Mail: healing@hzharris.com
Website: HZHarris.com
Availability: S. California (Inquire about rates outside the area)
Social Media
Topics: Business Intuition, Financial Freedom, Relationships, Spiritual Awakening, Stress Management
Travels from: S. California
Are you attracting the business success and abundance you desire? In her vivacious, passionate presentation, leading edge Marriage and Family Therapist and Intuitive Business Coach Helaine Harris draws on her expertise from 45+ modalities to show how to magnetize your ideal clients and customers and attract them to you. Her revolutionary “Awakening Process” combines breakthrough business strategies with a deep appreciation of each Soul’s unique journey. “Most business people don’t understand the power of unconscious patterns to sabotage their success,” says Helaine, whose interactive talks show how to reverse self-destructive patterns and consciously create the life you want. “I focus on the connection between love and abundance, because when you are open to love and Spirit, you magnetize your ideal clients, prosperity, loving partners and perfect business opportunities!
Gifted with keen insight, Helaine helps heal and coach people to do what they love: bring their gifts, talents, products and message to the world while honoring their Soul. Her presentations are packed with new insights and the road to emotional healing. A featured guest on major media, including NBC, ABC, and KCBS, and the author of Are You In Love with a Vampire? Healing the Relationship Drain Game, Helaine’s lively talks always spark audience participation. You’ll leave her cutting-edge presentations knowing how to attract your ideal clients or customers to you, balance your masculine and feminine energies, and consciously create the life of your dreams.
What people are saying…
“Your presentation “Increasing Your Therapeutic Presence” for the California Association of Marriage and Family therapists Intern/Supervisor Connection was genuine and engaging. The guided process you facilitated was not only a dramatic way to illustrate your points, but also made a profound and lasting impact on everyone who participated.”
– Julie Brams Prudeaux, MFT
Offered as Keynotes, Breakouts, Seminars, Workshops (½ day, full-day), Retreats, Teleclasses and Webinars, customized for your group. Helaine Harris is also available as a Panel Guest or Moderator.
How to Increase Your Income Using Business Intuition
Find out the simple steps to connecting with your intuition for business, earning what you deserve, and feeling confident that you are fulfilling your mission!
In this engaging program, Helaine shows how to:
- Develop keen business intuition, which brings you greater clarity
- Avoid the 3 biggest business mistakes people make
- Find out what you must know to make better business decisions
- Harness your intuition to bring you increased income while doing what you love
- Discover the #1 secret to increasing business intuition
- Master a simple 5-Step System for developing your business intuition
Activate Prosperity with Heart Energy
Love is the real power that activates your greatest potential and creative abilities and magnetizes wealth in all forms. Fear freezes your energy and shuts down potential abundance and opportunities. Opening to love and to Spirit is KEY to getting out of the lack cycle. Learn what most people do to guarantee money deprivation and replace it with a simple 7-Step System for creating prosperity instead! Experience a powerful release process that raises your vibrational frequency to magnetize money rapidly. Others have achieved prosperity – and now you can, too!
“The Secret” to True Power
True Power means bringing together heart and Soul and generating action from your awakened Power Center. Free your Power Center with Meridian Tapping, Power Breathing, and visualization. Learn “The Secrets” to True Power. Masculine energy brings out greater courage, clarity and the necessary action to bring your gifts, message and talent to the world, while feminine energy increases love, sensitivity and creativity to envision your life and career. By bringing these two powerful energies together within you, the authentic, true power of your full potential takes center stage in your life and business! Step into your True Power and bring your vision into reality!
Contacting Inner Guides
We all have Inner Guides. They come in many forms, such as angels, power animals – even tarot images. They help to guide and direct us, calm us, and assist us with finances and business endeavors, as well as increasing our intuitive abilities. Connecting with inner guidance is one of the ways to fill the emptiness in your Soul. It’s not necessary to believe in your guides for inner journeys to be effective; you need only be open to the possibility that they exist. Working with guides can be used in conjunction with many forms of inner work. We’ll explore the different types of guides, and you’ll journey to meet your personal guides and learn how to work with them. Everyone comes away from this breakthrough presentation feeling lighter and more open to possibilities.
Vampire Love: Healing the Relationship Drain Game
Have you ever been in a relationship that drains and exhausts you? Then this presentation is a must for you! Learn why you’re drawn into debilitating relationships and why it’s so difficult to leave them. If you’ve never experienced healthy love, this “drain game” can feel like love. Through processes and meditations, you will fill the black hole in your heart, the emptiness in the Soul, which is the wound of our times. Once healed, you can tap into the Universal Energy Flow, which is there to fill everyone. After this enlightening talk, you’ll never let anyone steal your energy, love or power again!
The Journey of Love: Healing Heart Wounds
Love is a choice. Many of us crave Love, yet we close our hearts because of previous hurt, rejection and abuse. This powerful presentation explores these heart wounds and shows how to release fears and negative programming in love and relationships. You’ll open your heart as Helaine gently guides you into uncovering your fears of intimacy, exploring healthy trust, healing past heart wounds, and experiencing your masculine and feminine energy. Discover what it takes to become a Love Magnet so that you never feel empty and lonely again!
New Ways to Treat Stress and Anxiety (or Stress Management for Business)
Are you anxious about what’s going on in the world with our economy – or on a personal level? Are panic attacks on the rise in your practice – or in your own life? Learn to help yourself and others develop coping techniques. In this presentation, you’ll learn calming and grounding processes, understand how childhood experiences affect the development of anxiety, practice a 5-minute daily routine to balance your energy body, and experience a powerful healing process. You’ll leave this life-changing talk with a new sense of calm and serenity.
Meet Helaine Harris…
Helaine Z. Harris is a leading Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Life Teacher, and a Continuing Education Provider for therapists. A sought-after media guest, Helaine has appeared on NBC, ABC, and KCBS, and on over 75 radio programs in the U.S. and Australia. She has served as Education Director of the Association of Comprehensive Educational Psychology, teaches for the workshop program at California State University, Northridge, and has taught over 40 workshop presentations for CEUs for psychotherapists.
Trained in EMDR, EFT, and TFT, Helaine graduated from UCLA with honors, then earned her MA in Counseling at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). Her experience and training is in such varied areas as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Gestalt, hypnosis, Psychosynthesis, Reichian and bio-energetics, EMDR, Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). In the therapeutic community, she has presented for the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, Association for Humanistic Psychology, California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (Keynote Presenter) and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, just to name a few. Helaine conducts workshops throughout the United States and Europe and maintains a private practice in Van Nuys, California. She’s the author of Are You In Love with a Vampire? Healing the Relationship Drain Game.
What people are saying…
“Your presentation “Increasing Your Therapeutic Presence” for the California Association of Marriage and Family therapists Intern/Supervisor Connection was genuine and engaging. The guided process you facilitated was not only a dramatic way to illustrate your points, but also made a profound and lasting impact on everyone who participated.”
– Julie Brams Prudeaux, MFT
“I just want to thank you for a truly enlightening evening last Thursday and to let you know that, once again, I am awestruck by your powerful insight, intuition and ability to uncover the core issues that prevent us from living up to our full potential for happiness and fulfillment. Within a matter of minutes, you detected and articulated what I haven’t been able to figure out, and that which has been at the heart of my low-grade depression and anxiety AND you provided me with solutions for healing the dissonance resonating within me. I am deeply grateful for your profound healing and for allowing me to be “re-introduced” to the REAL ME again.”
– Evie Meyer, MFT
“It was a joy having Helaine Harris as a guest on my Planetary Spirit radio program. I found her delightfully articulate and sincere. What really caught my attention was her willingness to share various spiritual experiences that led her to profound healings. I see her work as service, empowering others through traditional and non-traditional healing modalities. She guides people towards a healing path that brought about her own healing.”
– Jeff Ferrannini, Producer and Host of www.planetary-spirit.com
“The experiential material in your Angel Workshop was superb! We definitely should repeat this workshop. The only way to improve it would be to lengthen it! Please continue your wonderful healing and growth-promoting work.”