Contact Info
Phone: 267-738-1588
E-Mail: thewdpalmerfoundation@gmail.com;
Website: thewdpalmerfoundation.org
Availability: Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey; National, International
Speaker Sheet
Social Media

Topics: Aging Gracefully, Change, Change Management, College Speaking, Conflict Resolution, Cultural Diversity, Diversity, Education, Empowerment, High School Speaking, Inspirational, Leadership, Motivational, Parenting and Children, Personal Development, Professional Development, Relationships, Self Empowerment, Team Building, Youth Groups
Travels from: Pennsylvania
Titles: Motivational Speaker, Educational Facilitator, Community Organizer, Race Relations Expert, Diversity/Multi-cultural Trainer
Are you passionate about achieving social justice for all? Do you and your group want to be a force for change? Professor Walter Palmer has been called “a living legend” because of his decades of civil rights work. In 1969, he helped the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Social Work create the first required courses on American racism in American academia, and his energetic, interactive talks on race, gender, racism and diversity training are a must for any group or institution struggling with these issues.
The go-to person during the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, Walter Palmer was recognized nationally as the premier grassroots organizer for city, state and national political campaigns, protest movements, and community efforts including the MOVE Crisis and Model Cities, as well as for public health, community mental health, gang and anti-violence projects.
A talented musician and dancer, Professor Palmer has played with world-renowned artists including Billy Paul, John Coltrane, Dizzy Gillespie, and Sammy Davis Jr., and uses music, art, dance and drama to enhance his entertaining presentations as he explores the following issues:
- Origins of race and racism
- Identifying unearned privilege
- Identifying implicit bias
- Secrets of grass roots organizing
- Overcoming internal bias
- How racism and gender bias are perpetuated
- How to use the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self to overcome racism and gender bias
Walter Palmer is also an expert in dealing with “at risk” youth. If your school or institution is trying to close the disparities between Black, Hispanic and at risk students and their White peers—particularly those students with behavior challenges—and needs to educate the educators, he’ll give you solutions and action plans you can implement now as he covers the following areas:
- What is “at risk”?
- What are the learning disparities between Black, Hispanic and White students?
- How to use reading, writing, math, science and computer technology to solve social problems
- Leadership training for behavior modification
- How to improve learning through improved culture and climate
- What is the role of leadership, self development and social justice education?
You’ll leave with step-by-step instructions to help at risk youth overcome the obstacles that limit their success, as well as actions you can take right now to help them turn their lives around.
Walter Palmer speaks from a rich lifetime of experience. He grew up in poverty in a loving but tough, racially segregated community, living in two rooms with 12 siblings. Surrounded by gang violence, he was stabbed and shot before he even entered high school. Tagged as a juvenile delinquent, he spent time in detention during his teen years, saw much loss of life around him, barely graduated from high school, then struggled to work 50 hours a week while he put himself through college. But through faith and hard work, Walter rose to become a go-to expert on racism and diversity and a sought-after media expert. As host of the popular CBS-TV talk show “Wake Up” in Philadelphia, and the radio and cable TV show “Communiversity on the Air,” aired on the East Coast, he was a popular voice for civil rights in an historic era of change.
Today, Professor Palmer is an octogenarian who’s achieved a lifetime of rewards and recognition and has amassed over 5,000 books, 1000 metals, plaques, trophies, awards, and certificates of acknowledgment and appreciation for community service, academic achievement, athletics, social justice and leadership. He’s the founder and director of The Palmer Foundation and a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Social Policy and Practice, where he has taught courses in American Racism and Institutional Racism and Social Change since 1990.
You’ll leave Walter Palmer’s passionate talks feeling relieved of guilt, blame, shame, righteous indignation, pity and fear, knowing how to make your voice heard and implement effective strategies for social and educational change.
Fast Facts (in Professor Palmer’s own words)
- I grew up in poverty living in two rooms with 12 siblings.
- I grew up with loss of life at age 11 and became a parent.
- I experienced chronic juvenile delinquency from 12 to 18 years old and was in juvenile detention.
- I learned to fight for survival from the age of 5 and was stabbed and shot before high school.
- I barely graduated from high school and struggled to work 50 hours a week, and later 20 hours per week when I attended college.
- My secondary education was at Cheyney University
- I studied cardio-pulmonary care at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Law at Howard University, and Business and Communications at Temple University
- I became politically active at age 18 and became a professional community organizer by age 20.
- I hold the world class athlete masters (40-year-old) world record for the 50 yard dash indoors
- In 2005 the Walter D. Palmer Leadership Charter School (K-12) was named after me.
- I created the Walter D. Palmer Library Museum at the University of Pennsylvania.
- I was inducted as a Fellow in the Philadelphia College of Physicians because of the body of my work over 60 years.
- I have the ability to merge past and present as well as blending serious remarks with humor.
- I’ve had the pleasure of playing music with world-renowned artists including Billy Paul, John Coltrane, Dizzy Gillespie, and Sammy Davis Jr., and danced with some of the great tap dancers.
- I can make a difference by using my life education and experiences to educate others.
What people are saying…
“Teacher par excellence” – Dr. Philip Hogard, Educators Round Table
“Renaissance man” – Lynn Washington, Journalist, Author and Educator
“Teacher Excellence Award” – University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Social Work
“Musician, dancer and artist extraordinaire” – Matt Robinson, “Sesame Street”
Best-fit Audiences
- Colleges, Universities, Schools, Youth Groups
- Conferences, Conventions, Trade Shows
- Expos, Fairs, Retreats
- Corporations, Non-Profits
- Parents, Educators
- Community Organizations
- Women’s Groups, Career Women
- Men’s Groups, Career Men
- Single Parent (female)
- Single Parent (male)
- CEOs, Executive Managers, HR Professionals
- Therapists, Psychologists, Counselors and Coaches
- Political & Historical Groups/Associations
- Churches, Synagogues, Religious Groups
- Christian Groups
- Business & Civic Groups
- Libraries, Museums
- Team Leaders, Sales Reps
- Baby Boomers, Millennials
- Seniors, Retirees
- Attorneys, Financial Planners, Investors
- Military, Police, Firefighters, Paramedics
- Emergency Preparedness, Risk Management
- Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Small Offices
- Tech/Electronics Specialists & Hobbyists
- Travel Companies, Cruise Lines
- Entertainment Venues
- Hospitality Organizations, Restaurant Associations
- Health Care Groups, Hospitals, Medical Offices
- Health Workers, Healers, Caretakers, Cancer Survivors
- Nursing Programs, Medical Centers
- Health Spas, Fitness Centers
- Realtors, Real Estate Associations, Property Owners
- Rehab Centers, Recovery Support Groups
Offered as keynotes, breakouts, seminars or workshops, retreats, trainings and webinars. Walter Palmer is also available as a panel guest or moderator.
American Race Relations 1600 AD – 2000 AD
The following topics are explored in this passionate, interactive presentation:
- Where did African Americans come from?
- How did African Americans come to America?
- How was the Black/White binary created?
- Is racism in America permanent?
You’ll learn how to identify and deconstruct racism beliefs and ideology from culture and daily life.
University Displaced Populations
What is the role of public and private colleges and universities in relationship to their surrounding communities? If your community is facing displacement by nearby university expansion, this talk offers solutions. You’ll learn how to organize to save your community from being displaced and how to work with the university and community leaders to achieve a collaborative balance.
Educating At-Risk Children in America
The following topics will be explored:
- Who are at-risk children in America?
- What are the social and environmental challenges they face on a daily basis?
- What are the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual facets?
- What are the precursors for establishing a learning environment for at-risk children?
Participants will learn…
- Definitions, stats and affected populations of “at risk” children, youth and communities
- How risk factors raise the chance of poor outcomes in this population
- How protective factors raise the chance of positive outcomes in this population
You’ll leave with strategies and educational programs to help the at-risk community overcome these social conditions and reclaim and rebuild their neighborhoods.
Meet Walter Palmer…
“A living legend…”
Walter Palmer is the founder and director of The Palmer Foundation and a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Social Policy and Practice where he has taught foundation courses in American Racism and Institutional Racism and Social Change since 1990. Professor Palmer has won the distinction of “Teacher par Excellence” throughout his many years of teaching.
He created the Black People’s University of Philadelphia (1954-1984) as an early prototype for his preschool and adult independent and alternative education for contemporary America.
Professor Palmer is the founder and president of the Board of Trustees for the Walter D. Palmer Leadership Partners Charter School, the first (national prototype) elementary school in America with a curriculum that focuses on social justice and character development for students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade.
He is the founder of The Black Men at Penn School of Social Work, Inc. and founder of The Center on American Racism and Social Change at the School of Social Policy and Practice. He is the driving force to build the Walter D. Palmer Library and Museum on “Social Justice through Social Change” at the University of Pennsylvania.
During the era of Civil Rights and Black Power movements, Walter Palmer was recognized nationally as the premier grassroots organizer for city, state and national political campaigns, protest campaigns and grassroots community projects such as the MOVE Crisis, Model Cities, Public Health, Community Mental Health, Gang and Anti-violence Projects.
Walter Palmer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Cardio-Pulmonary Care. He served as Director of Cardio-pulmonary Care at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia from 1957 to 1967. He is a current fellow in the Philadelphia College of Physicians.
He received his Juris Doctorate degree from Howard University and law clerked for Community Legal Services upon graduation.
He achieved his Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education from Cheney State University, and is certified in History and Social Studies. He also studied Business Administration at Temple University.
Walter Palmer, an octogenarian, has achieved a lifetime of rewards and recognition and has amassed over 5,000 books, 1000 metals, plaques, trophies, awards, certificates of acknowledgment and appreciation in community services, academics, athletics, social justice and leadership.
What people are saying…
“Teacher par excellence” – Dr. Philip Hogard, Educators Round Table
“Renaissance man” – Lynn Washington, Journalist, Author and Educator
“Teacher Excellence Award” – University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Social Work
“Musician, dancer and artist extraordinaire” – Matt Robinson, Sesame Street
Books by Walter Palmer
From Christopher Columbus to Colin Powell
Philadelphia Iconic Figures
The Little Black Boy Who Dared to Dream
A Short History of Atlantic City Club Harlem