Janet Alston Jackson
Inspiring Mindfulness/Spiritual teacher and award-winning author shows how to release stress, build resilience, increase concentration and self-appreciation, and stay balanced in the midst of chaos.
Inspiring Mindfulness/Spiritual teacher and award-winning author shows how to release stress, build resilience, increase concentration and self-appreciation, and stay balanced in the midst of chaos.
Bestselling historical fiction author shares how to enrich your writing with colorful, historical details and turn your story into a novel fit for presentation to an agent or, if you choose, to self publish.
Nationally syndicated tech expert with millions of followers brings professionals up to date on latest digital trends and takes anxiety out of tech for everyone else.
Highly successful businessman, media personality and serial entrepreneur offers success strategies that transform character, build leadership, boost authenticity, and reveal your life’s purpose.
Jean-Noel Bassior has been helping writers get published for 20 years. She’ll show you how to dissolve the fear barrier and create a step-by-step game-plan for getting published.