I am an experienced motivational speaker who delivers entertaining, high-energy talks that can help any organization empower their attendees. I’ve got a perfect review on The Bash and can perform in both Spanish and English. Using humor, activities, power peaking, power movement, and storytelling to captivate the audience, I can assure the organizers of an unforgettable event.
Forbes “Business Scaling Expert” shows how to boost your business into the Billion Dollar Digital Products Market so you have more time and freedom to enjoy the lifestyle you deserve.
Award-winning business and branding expert shares behind-the-scenes look at his Fortune 500 experiences and—using real case studies that generated billions of dollars for his clients—shows how to apply winning strategies to your invention, product, license or business that shave years of costly mistakes while accelerating profits.
Communication Trainer, professor and former TV news anchor shows companies how to save millions and increase profits by avoiding communication breakdowns and mistakes.
Master Certified Life Coach shows how to free yourself from The Approval Trap so you can attract ideal clients, be confident about your product or service, raise your rates, and do the unique work you’re meant to do.