Steven D. Nielsen

Steven D. Nielsen

Bestselling historical fiction author shares how to enrich your writing with colorful, historical details and turn your story into a novel fit for presentation to an agent or, if you choose, to self publish.

Ratanjit Sondhe

Ratanjit Sondhe

Highly successful businessman, media personality and serial entrepreneur offers success strategies that transform character, build leadership, boost authenticity, and reveal your life’s purpose.

Al Lautenslager

Al Lautenslager

Al Lautenslager is an award winning marketing/PR consultant, direct mail promotion specialist, author of Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days, speaker and entrepreneur.

Amy Pearson

Amy Pearson

Master Certified Life Coach shows how to free yourself from The Approval Trap so you can attract ideal clients, be confident about your product or service, raise your rates, and do the unique work you’re meant to do.