I am an experienced motivational speaker who delivers entertaining, high-energy talks that can help any organization empower their attendees. I’ve got a perfect review on The Bash and can perform in both Spanish and English. Using humor, activities, power peaking, power movement, and storytelling to captivate the audience, I can assure the organizers of an unforgettable event.
International speaker, renowned healer, and author shows how to discover your “Zone of Genius” to transform your life.
Three-time aggressive and incurable Stage IV cancer thriver Caroline Rose inspires through honest personal stories and motivates with her strongly held hope.
80-year-old active positive psychologist takes fear out of aging and inspires people of any age to stay physically, mentally, and socially active.
Tech expert, youth baseball and football coach who overcame deadly disease and financial ruin shows how the miracle of “Triangular Thinking” restored his health and finances in less than 180 days.
Highly successful businessman, media personality and serial entrepreneur offers success strategies that transform character, build leadership, boost authenticity, and reveal your life’s purpose.
Interior designer and healing practitioner helps people in transition redesign their homes to reflect their life changes and create a more soul-satisfying environment.
Executive Coach shows how Succession Planning, the art of growing internal leadership and retaining talent, allows you to create a winning team and keep your organization running smoothly, especially during crisis, change or unexpected departures.
Motivational speaker gives your audience A Burst of Positive Energy by showing how to “Think it, Feel it, Say it, Do it – and feel better now!”
Do you sit, stand, walk and perform everyday movements in a way that promotes health and well-being? “If you sit, stand and walk in the wrong way, you can undermine your health,” says internationally-acclaimed gymnast and physical therapist Eva Nemeth.