Contact Info
Contact: (310) 945-5651
E-Mail: deb@deborahderas.com
Website: deborahderas.com
Blog: deborahderas.com/speaking tips
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Availability: S. California; Nationwide
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Title: Top Peak Performance Latina Speaker
Topics: Public Speaking, Leadership, Peak Performance, Time Management, Latina Empowerment, Professional Development, Women’s Issues
Areas: S. California; Nationwide
Fee, Free
Experienced Latina keynote speaker and trainer for Fortune 500 companies, U.S. military, and large organizations in topics related to Entrepreneurship, Empowerment, Peak Performance, Diversity, Emerging Markets, Power of Mindset for Success, and Social Media.
Deborah has facilitated keynote speeches and board retreats for Fortune 500 companies including NBC, Procter & Gamble, J.P. Morgan, Kaiser Permanente, Macy’s, State Farm Insurance, New York Life Insurance, JPL (Pasadena), NASA (Houston), General Electric, and British Petroleum. She has also facilitated leadership training for U.S. military branches. Working alongside Eva Longoria, Deborah has served as a regional spokesperson for Verizon’s Hispanic Campaign, presenting technology workshops to Hispanic entrepreneurs around the Pacific Northwest region.
Deborah delivers high energy, dynamic and interactive programs with practical tools to help audiences prioritize time, optimize energy, and ultimately maximize potential. Her entertaining delivery and interactive style educates audiences while keeping them captivated and engaged which increases retention and more importantly, converts application of concepts into real and repeatable results.
Deborah is known for developing engaged teams, training managers to be effective leaders, elevating productivity in the workplace, and increasing employee engagement, satisfaction and retention. She is the CEO of Synergy Unlimited, a thriving consulting agency dedicated to improving employee performance, engagement and success in both their professional and personal lives.
Deborah holds a B.S. in Marketing, and an M.S. in Education. Author of Confessions of an Adrenaline Addict, Deborah knows what it is like to run on adrenaline and then burn out. With over 17+ years of study in workplace applications for employee engagement, productivity, and mindset, Deborah has become the leading expert on workplace mindfulness and engagement. Her book details strategies such as mindfulness, energy management, and stress reduction techniques to reduce burnout, anxiety, depression and improve focus, productivity, and engagement. She has also written several eBooks including How to Manifest Your Goals Faster & Easier and 5 C’s to go from Likes to Sales with Social Media Strategy.
What people are saying…
Deb came to my department and totally transformed the energy of 25 of my employees. My employees were ecstatic after her presentation. I highly recommend Deborah… You will be changed, I guarantee it!
– Gabby Galvez, Administrator, Kaiser Permanente
Watch The Testimonial
- Conferences, Conventions, Trade Shows
- Expos, Fairs, Retreats
- Latino/Hispanic Conferences
- Latina Leadership Groups
- Corporations, Non-Profits
- CEOs, Executive Managers, HR Professionals
- Team Leaders, Sales Reps
- Business & Civic Group
- Colleges & Universities
- Military, Police, Firefighters, Paramedics
- Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Small Offices
- Tech/Electronics Specialists & Hobbyists
- Travel Companies, Cruise Lines
- Therapists, Psychologists, Counselors and Coaches
- Women’s Groups, Career Women
- Churches, Synagogues, Religious Groups
- Entertainment Venues
- Hospitality Organizations, Restaurant Associations
- Health Care Groups, Hospitals, Medical Offices
- Health Workers, Healers, Caretakers
- Nursing Programs, Medical Centers
- Health Spas, Fitness Centers
- Realtors, Real Estate Associations, Property Owners
Deborah offers keynotes, breakouts, seminars or workshops, retreats, trainings and webinars, always customized for your group’s unique needs and challenges. She is also available as a panel guest or moderator and spokesperson for your company’s video promos.
To inquire about availability, call or text 310-945-5651 and Charisse will schedule a Zoom video call or phone call with Deborah.
Create a Powerful Mindset to Optimize Your WorkplaceCERTIFIED FOR BUSINESS CREDITS
The SHRM Body of Knowledge states “Employee turnover and poor performance can be extremely costly and disruptive to organizations. HR practices that create and maintain an engaged, satisfied workforce and a positive organizational culture, however, can mitigate these problems, by improving organizational performance and the retention of high-performing talent.”
Increase Engagement, Peak Performance and Reduce Burnout Workplace stress and burnout is costing businesses over $150 billion dollars and leads to absenteeism, turnover and increased healthcare costs.
HR professionals at Google, Nike, Apple, Aetna, and Goldman Sachs have implemented Mindfulness programs to develop and maintain a positive organizational culture. HR professionals should know how to design and create systems and interventions that apply these concepts to improve job attitudes and build a positive organizational culture.
During Deborah’s keynote program, she will detail strategies that HR Professionals can incorporate in their engagement and retention strategies.
Learning objectives:
- Define the terms: workplace mindfulness, energy management, and energy balance system
- Summarize the strategies of mindfulness and energy management and how they increase engagement, peak performance, and retention
- Apply the strategies through small group work on how mindfulness and energy management techniques foster increased productivity
- Distinguish the differences between mindfulness vs thinking, creative energy, and stress, balance vs burnout in the workplace
- Formulate programs at their companies that will reduce burnout, stress and improve focus and productivity
- Establish a 4-step process to reduce conflict within themselves and others and increase engagement, balance, and productivity
- Assess how to recognize and reframe counterproductive thought patterns that can distract the mind from the tasks at hand and teach the strategies to employees
How to Speak with Confidence for Peak Performance
Effective Public Speaking is one of the most powerful skills any leader can possess. If we know how to communicate our thoughts and ideas in a captivating way, we can lead and influence our constituents and get ahead of our competitors.
During this highly interactive program designed for novices and experienced presenters alike, participants learn how to captivate an audience and relieve nervousness so they can make an impact and deliver a memorable presentation every time.
Deborah Deras is an expertly trained speaker by Toastmaster International, the National Speakers Association. T. Harv Ecker, Train the Trainer and Christopher Howard Companies. Her humorous approach to teaching puts everyone at ease and creates an environment where audience members don’t just passively take in information; they apply what they learn in their daily lives that radically impacts their performance and results.
In this fascinating program, Deborah reveals how the “INFORMATION OVERLOAD” has fundamentally reduced attention spans and why people can no longer stay engaged for longer than a few seconds. So how you can engage, captivate and capture the attention of your boss during an interview to land your dream position or a presentation to an audience?
With the latest pedagogical research and case studies specific to your industry, Deborah will teach your audience how living in a high tech, constantly distracted world requires a higher level of true authentic connection and engagement to get your point across. If you are a salesperson, manager or industry leader, you need to communicate and present your message in a clear and consistent way. But how can you do it with so much static of distraction everywhere?
To speak and connect in today’s overstimulated age, you must learn the rules of engagement and the keys to connection in order to influence behavior. Deborah uses customized, real-world case studies and interactive audience participation to model and increase retention for the audience to experience her concepts in action. Deborah teaches your audience how to connect with, present powerfully and influence their target market to achieve your organization’s goals.
Learning Objectives:
- Discover the psychology of connection to be able to in 15 seconds capture your audience
- Identify the 5 ways humans connect so you can incorporate them into your speech
- Uncover strategies to engage and connect with anyone anywhere
- Examine the new research on attention span and information overload
- Learn how to influence the new mindset of customers/constituents
- Practice peer-to-peer presentation exercises to get instant feedback
Networking: How to Connect With Anyone, Anytime
Building a large professional network creates strong business connections for business referrals, advancement, job opportunities, and mentorship. In addition, networking provides opportunities to gain knowledge, confidence and leadership skills. Currently, 85% of jobs in the U.S. are procured through networking connections. However, as many as 1 in 4 professionals do not network at all.
There are numerous ways of networking: Face-to-face conversations, networking groups, business social mixers, masterminds, professional training programs and social media channels (i.e. LinkedIn). Corporate professionals must master relationship building skills in order to build a strong network of colleagues, partners and mentors to further their professional development and create new opportunities for themselves and for their company.
During Deborah’s keynote program, she details proven networking strategies that Corporate Professionals can use to network more effectively and meaningfully to increase visibility for their company and foster strategic connections for professional advancement.
Learning Objectives:
- Define the terms: successful networking, masterful communication and relationship building
- Establish the skills of mindfulness to effectively communicate in a networking setting
- Give an overview of how technology has impacted the workplace culture and how to adjust networking skills to accommodate for these changes
- Practice effective networking strategies in small group work to practice mindful communication and influential relationship building skills
- Discover the correlation between effective networking and professional success
- Formulate a concise and direct elevator pitch introduction using Deborah’s step-by-step process
- Explore counter-approaches to social anxiety and internal pressure by examining realistic situational example
The Power Is Within You
Strong leadership skills result in cooperative workplace management, clear delegation of strategies and processes, and earned respect and trust of employees, peers, supervisors and partners. Today, 77% of organizations worldwide are currently experiencing a leadership gap as the Baby Boomer generation retires, leaving spots for the millennial generation to fill.
Global organizations such as The Center for Creative Leadership, The World Economic Forum, and the AQPC are continuously running studies, surveys and business benchmarks and report that the leadership gap continues to be a problem. Corporate professionals can learn to model exemplary leadership skills that drive creativity for innovative project ideas, grow the company at a sustainable pace and serve as mentors for future generations in order to close this pressing leadership gap.
During Deborah’s keynote program, she details powerful strategies that Corporate Professionals can use to increase self-confidence, drive innovation and become strong and respected leaders who inspire their teams.
Learning Objectives:
- Define the terms: model leadership, leadership gap, sabotage and empowered decisions
- Review the differences between constructive behaviors vs counterproductive behaviors, sabotage vs success, and feeling overwhelmed vs feeling confident
- Examine strategies and benefits of closing the leadership gap for the individual and the company as a whole
- Learn the key tool to build confidence and make empowered decisions
- Experience a 4-step process to shift mindset practices and build confidence when serving in a leadership role
- Develop a formula to be more creative, innovative and productive using a powerful one minute practice
*All programs can be customized to suit your specific business needs.
Meet Deborah Deras
Deborah Deras, M.S. is a charismatic and engaging peak performance speaker, author, and business consultant. With over 15 years of experience speaking to audiences around the globe, Deborah is known as one of the top ten Latina speakers in the nation. She has facilitated leadership and peak performance training, keynote speeches, and board retreats for Fortune 500 companies including: Procter & Gamble, J.P. Morgan, Kaiser, Macy’s, State Farm Insurance, JPL (Pasadena), NASA (Houston), General Electric, and British Petroleum. She has also facilitated leadership training for all military branches.
Deborah customizes her approach based on the client’s unique business needs and creates programs so that participants can immediately apply practical tools in the workplace. She has facilitated social media marketing training for small business owners for the South Bay Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the Vermont Slauson Economic Development Center, and SCORE.
Deborah has served as a regional spokesperson for Verizon, presenting workshops to Hispanic entrepreneurs on technology strategies. Her book, Confessions of an Adrenaline Addict: How to Achieve More with Less Effort, contains powerful strategies to increase productivity in the workplace.
For booking information, please contact Charisse Teopiz at 310-945-5651.
Deborah’s clients include: Verizon, Kaiser Permanente, State Farm Insurance, J.P., Morgan, Macy’s, University of Georgia, University of Nebraska, Farmers Insurance, Hispanas Organized for Political Equality, British Petroleum, University of Phoenix, Caltech and many more.
What people are saying…
I have heard Deborah speak in a few different realms and I love her conversations she speaks about positivity and productivity. I highly recommend her to all the companies I serve.
– Ena Alcaraz, Franchise Owner, State Farm Insurance
Deb came to my department and totally transformed the energy of 25 of my employees. My employees were ecstatic after her presentation. I highly recommend Deborah… You will be changed, I guarantee it!
– Gabby Galvez, Administrator, Kaiser Permanente
Watch The Testimonial
Her message is a soul to another soul. It is speaking to the purpose to every life. Whatever stage you are at she will give you the information that you need.
– University of Nebraska student after a standing ovation at Deborah’s keynote address
Watch the Testimonial on YouTube
Deborah’s presentation was invigorating and motivating it helped me “remember” things I know and skills I have. Her presentation gave me the inspiration to start using them to start my goals.
– Laura Croal, Ph.D., Caltech
Your presentation was a revelation moment for me. It had an positive impact on my perceptions, expectation and reactions. I definitely changed my ability to deal with the now.
– Felix Ramirez, Ernst and Young
Great seminar. Learning about the power of choice and the power of now and how my reactions and decisions helped me tremendously.
– Scott Quintero, VP of Merill Lynch
This was a very inspiring session that will help me regain the focus on my priorities and the NOW!
– Jose Campos, Deloitte and Touch
Deborah’s programs are high energy, engaging, and provide essential strategies to help her audiences boost productivity and increase leadership skills.
– Jessica Asencio, J.P. Morgan
Books by Deborah Deras
Confessions of an Adrenaline Addict
For you, adrenal fatigue symptoms can be subtle, like irritability, or devastating like lupus. Your adrenal fatigue treatment can be as simple as bed rest or as extensive as a total lifestyle change. Your adrenal gland fatigue can be just annoying, or life-disrupting or even fatal.
In this simple, beautifully designed book find out if you have adrenal gland fatigue and discover the holistic, non-drug treatment that saved the lives of two bright, motivated women who were addicted to adrenaline but didn’t know it. Enrich your life with these easy to follow techniques and personal support that saved them from lives of stress and pain, and likely early death.