Contact Info
Contact: 888-964-1113
E-Mail: devin@devinchughes.com
Website: DevinCHughes.com
Speaker Sheet
Availability: S. California – Inquire about rates outside the area
Social Media
Topics: Workplace Bullying, Cultural Diversity, Empowerment, Inspirational, Team Building, Motivational, Leadership
Areas: S. California, Nationwide
Devin C. Hughes, known as The Chief Inspiration Officer, is a highly sought-after speaker, author, storyteller and workshop leader who speaks and consults to a variety of leaders, groups, organizations and teams who have a desire to break down enterprise-wide cultural barriers, improve personal/organizational performance, and enhance communication through greater self-awareness and understanding of one another.
His approach draws from the science of positive psychology, positive organizational research, appreciative inquiry, neuroscience, mindset and mindfulness. As a result, clients receive the cutting-edge in research on well-being and flourishing.
Devin’s unique background and success story truly sets him apart from most professional speakers and guest lecturers. It’s for this very reason that people come away from his keynotes entertained, inspired and motivated – but more importantly, with the practical, applicable, actionable tactics and strategies for acting on their inspiration and motivation. By the end of his talks, seminars and workshops, participants are equipped to deal with the day-to-day challenges they face.
Devin received his BA from Colgate University. His website is http://www.devinchughes.com/. He is the author of six books and lives in San Diego, California, with his wife and four daughters.
Best-fit Audiences
□ Corporations, business groups, non-profits
□ Fortune 1000
□ Executive managers, sales reps, team leaders, HR professionals
□ Community organizations
□ Colleges, universities, schools, youth groups
□ Business and civic groups
□ Entrepreneurs, small offices
□ Travel companies
□ Hospitality organizations
□ Political and historical groups/associations
□ Restaurants/Restaurant Associations
□ Health care groups, hospitals, medical offices
□ Nursing programs, medical centers
□ Health spas, fitness centers
□ Realtors, real estate associations, property owners
□ Rehab centers, recovery support groups
□ Caretakers, healers, health workers, cancer survivors
□ Therapists, psychologists, counselors and coaches
Offered as keynotes, breakouts, workshops, retreats and customized for each audience
Leading Positive Performance (Positive Psychology)
In this on-site experiential workshop, Devin unlocks the science of sustainable peak performance. The research is clear. Positive environments are performance enhancers characterized by higher productivity, less turnover and more resilient cultures. Applying the latest research-based techniques from the field of positive psychology, participants learn the practices of resilient leaders; they become more adaptable and develop a capacity to “see” more opportunities, leading to better results. Based on the work of Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, and taught in Harvard’s famed happiness course and to companies worldwide, Leading Positive Performance provides a sustainable approach to enhancing productivity at the individual, team and organization levels.
The Diversity Advantage
In today’s multicultural environment, it’s still not uncommon for workplaces to be divided down racial or cultural lines. Devin addresses the topics of racism (direct or indirect) and intolerance head on, helping leadership teams break down barriers to productivity and achieve greater success as a result of increased understanding. The training he provides works toward breaking down barriers and making communication easier through greater self-awareness and understanding of cultural issues that are often daunting and uncomfortable for professionals who are trying to engage diverse communities.
Leading Positive Change
In this facilitated workshop, leaders at all levels are given a clear process for harnessing positive energy and using it effectively to lead organizational change. Based on core insights into the field of change and Devin’s experience in creating lasting results working with thought leaders and large-scale clients executing change initiatives across the globe, Leading Positive Change delivers a best-of-category approach to the business of enhancing organizational change readiness and active change leadership. This workshop experience connects the hearts of those who must embrace and lead change today with the mindset necessary to support future success.
Meet Devin C. Hughes, Chief Inspiration Officer…
Devin C. Hughes is a personal and organizational development aficionado, keynote speaker, author and frequent eclectic thinker best known for his expertise in the science of happiness, organizational/cultural change and leadership development. He is an avid storyteller who has the unique ability to connect with audiences by inspiring them to be the change they wish to see in the world.
Devin has been consulting, training, speaking and writing about personal development and organizational change for the last decade. His unique background and success story truly sets him apart from most professional speakers and guest lecturers. It’s for this reason that people come away from his keynotes entertained, inspired and motivated—but, more importantly, with practical, applicable, actionable tactics and strategies for acting on their inspiration and motivation. By the end of his talks, seminars and workshops, participants are equipped to deal with the day-to-day challenges they face.
Devin provides a framework for turning around the unmotivated and lost with real-world, practical solutions. His talks and programs help to raise self-awareness and jump-start one’s potential. He inspires people to achieve their personal and organizational goals faster by capitalizing on the power of “Optimism, Positivity & Happiness.” With a wealth of experience, he knows what it takes to generate meaningful change that will unite and inspire an organization.
Additionally, he has won multiple awards for his value creation approach to customer experiences in a variety of industries. He has accomplished these successes through a teaching orientation and providing non-experts with dynamic tools so they can succeed like experts.
Devin received his BA from Colgate University. His website is http://www.devinchughes.com/ He’s the author of four books: Contrast: A Biracial Man’s Journey to Desegregate His Past, and the comic, “Self-Talk, Moon Patrol & Agents of Change.” He lives in San Diego, California, with his wife and four daughters.
What people are saying…
“Devin C Hughes is not only a great person, but he is a true coach, teacher and mentor. He has the innate ability to instill a sense of ownership and a belief in our ability to do anything. Every day is an opportunity for Devin, and he passes this message to everyone he can touch.”
—Sean Wheat, Vice President, Private Client Investment Advisor at Bernstein Global Wealth Management
Partial list of speaking clients:
- Exterran Corporation
- Gannett
- Keybank
- Teledyne
- Amica
- Colorado Lottery
- Honeywell
Contrast: A Biracial Man’s Journey to Desegregate
In 1967, the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage in America. Devin Hughes was born two years later to a black father and white mother who fled to Washington D.C. to escape the racism of the Deep South. Of course, bigotry still ran rampant, and light-skinned, green-eyed Devin felt its pull from both ends: strangers who didn’t know he was half-black and friends who didn’t care he was half-white. With questions of race and identity always cluttering his mind, Devin still found himself more consumed with his dysfunctional family life: a father who offered an alternative education in the form of hookers and religious exploration, and a mother whose drug use zombified her for most of his childhood. Despite his parents’ flaws, they were Devin’s greatest believers. From his dad founding a neighborhood baseball team to his mom advocating for him in school, they taught Devin that anything imaginable was within reach, that their mistakes needn’t be his choices, and that his destiny was for greatness. Ultimately, Contrast: A Biracial Man’s Journey to Desegregate His Past isn’t a book about race; it’s a book about acceptance, perseverance, and love.
Visit Devin’s Amazon page