Contact Info
Phone: 937-657-7973
Availability: Columbus, Ohio; National, International
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Topics: Leadership, Change Management, Motivational, Communications, Conflict Resolution, Healthcare, Team Building, Success,
Areas: Columbus, Ohio; National, International
Titles: Leadership Development Expert, Trainer, Teacher, Coach
Scott Graham, Leadership & Team-Building Speaker
Is your team’s camaraderie so strong that you succeed beyond all expectation? Dr. Scott Graham is an expert in leadership development and cultivating highly effective teams, with a focus on the needs of health care professionals (physicians, nurses, pharmacists, PTs, OTs, dentists, optometrists, social workers). “Most healthcare professionals are very smart people who know the content of their jobs inside and out, but have very little formal or informal training on what ELSE it takes to be super- successful,” he points out.
Dr. Graham’s time-tested strategies work for any team. Over three decades, he’s taught thousands of leaders and team members in all types of industries how to increase their confidence, build close bonds and trust, and achieve higher levels of success than they ever thought possible. His fun, lively presentations show how to build highly effective teams using a research-based, application-oriented blend of workforce engagement, strengths-focus, and emotional intelligence skill development. You’ll learn how to motivate a clinical (or any type of) team, on-board new staff members, maintain a capital budget and prioritize tasks.
A retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who honed his leadership skills early on in his military career as part of a B-52 bomber crew, Dr. Graham has a deep respect for the camaraderie among those who serve others. “It’s a passionate, emotional, heartfelt reliance on one another that brings a team to greatness beyond what they feel is possible,” he points out, adding, “It’s that almost magical, intoxicating feeling of caring for the team over self.”
Dr. Graham has a keen ability to identify the core issues your organization is facing and help you develop a realistic, meaningful plan to gain achievable results. His entertaining presentations always provide practical ideas based on evidence-based research. He has directed The Ohio State University Leadership Academy for Peak Performance and currently serves as a Clinical Professor of Leadership for The Ohio State University Medical School.
You’ll leave Dr. Graham’s engaging, interactive presentation with proven strategies you can use immediately to identify core issues, develop a realistic, meaningful plan to achieve results, and have a positive, widespread impact on those you lead.
Fast Facts
- Dr. Graham has taught thousands of professionals from all walks of life how to be more effective leaders and team members.
- He served as a B-52 flight officer for the USAF and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.
- He’s been Director of Quality Improvement for an 80,000-person global organization and has over three decades of leadership development experience.
- Dr. Graham holds a Ph.D. in Management from the University of Georgia and is certified in both the Gallup StrengthsFinder and Emotional Quotient Inventory programs.
What people are saying…
“The leadership session facilitated by Dr. Scott Graham exceeded my expectations! As a new leader in a major medical center I was a little intimidated by all of my newly acquired responsibilities. This session gave me the tools that I needed to prioritize, motivate a clinical team, on-board new staff members, maintain a capital budget and have fun while doing it! I would definitely recommend this session for any clinical leader. It will give you the necessary confidence to be successful in the ever dynamic, evidence-based world of healthcare.”
– Kelly Keller, BSN, MSN; Nurse Manager, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- Conferences, Conventions, Trade Shows
- Healthcare Professionals, such as Physicians, Nurses, Pharmacists, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Dentists, Optometrists, Social Workers
- Health Care Groups, Hospitals, Medical Offices
- Health Workers, Healers, Caretakers, Cancer Survivors
- Nursing Programs, Medical Centers
- Rehab Centers, Recovery Support Groups
- Expos, Fairs, Retreats
- Corporations, Non-Profits
- Parties, Events of all types
- CEOs, Executive Managers, HR Professionals
- Team Leaders, Sales Reps
- Business & Civic Groups
- Women’s Groups, Career Women
- Baby Boomers, Millennials
- Seniors, Retirees
- Community Organizations
- Colleges, Universities, Schools, Youth Groups
- Attorneys, Financial Planners, Investors
- Military, Police, Firefighters, Paramedics
- Emergency Preparedness, Risk Management
- Parents, Educators
- Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Small Offices
- Tech/Electronics Specialists & Hobbyists
- Travel Companies, Cruise Lines
- Therapists, Psychologists, Counselors and Coaches
- Political & Historical Groups/Associations
- Churches, Synagogues, Religious Groups
- Christian Groups
- Libraries, Museums
- Entertainment Venues
- Hospitality Organizations, Restaurant Associations
- Health Care Groups, Hospitals, Medical Offices
- Health Workers, Healers, Caretakers, Cancer Survivors
- Nursing Programs, Medical Centers
- Health Spas, Fitness Centers
- Realtors, Real Estate Associations, Property Owners
- Rehab Centers, Recovery Support Groups
Offered as keynotes, breakouts, seminars or workshops, retreats, trainings and webinars, individual leader coaching, and customized for your group. Dr. Scott Graham is also available as a panel guest or moderator.
Camaraderie: The Magic Elixir of Team Success
The term “High Performing Team” has been in the workplace and literature for years as a model that most teams seek to become. However, very little is “out there” about the emotional, passionate, heartfelt reliance on one another that brings a team to greatness beyond what they felt possible. The secret is Camaraderie—that almost magical, intoxicating feeling of caring for the team over self, all the time. It’s wanting success for the team vs. success at the individual level. This lively presentation includes success stories, evidence-based research, and experiential exercises. Tools and tips are provided to help attendees walk away with specific strategies to build their dream team, starting TODAY.
The Incredible Power of Engagement through Focusing on Strengths
Your child brings home a report card that is A, A, B, D. Where do you focus your attention first? If you’re like most, you go right to the D. Why? Because it’s ingrained in us that we are a remedial, weakness-focused society that tries to be great at everything, instead of what we should be doing, per the research: FOCUSING ON OUR STRENGTHS AND MANAGING AROUND OUR WEAKNESSES. This engaging presentation gives you the Why and How of doing this to increase workforce engagement—an area costing U.S. organizations upwards of $700 BILLION a year in lost productivity, absenteeism, theft, negative influence, lost talent and more!
EQ: The People Skills You Need to Succeed
You’ve heard statements like these before: “He needs to work on his people skills” or “She really has great people skills.” What people really mean is that these colleagues have strong—or not so strong—emotional and social intelligence. In this lively talk, Dr. Scott Graham explores the latest research in these two crucial areas and offers experiential activities, resources and strategies to give his audience useful, positive, high impact, embraceable ways to enhance their people skills right now and better lead those they have influence over.
Thriving through the Swirling Whitewater of Change
Change! It strikes fear in the hearts and minds of many, but there are strategies you can embrace so that it does not have to be so paralyzing. The truth is that change is not only manageable, but can be quite exhilarating IF you know what to do, when to do it, and why you need to do it). Much like rafting down a river, there’s excitement, paralysis, fear, heightened awareness, different skill sets… and that’s just the part within you!
In your organization, you have a raft full of people going down that same river (i.e., dealing with change) who all have unique skill sets and areas of weakness. In this entertaining presentation, you’ll explore the phases all of us go through as we wrestle with change and how to become more change resilient, and you’ll gain strategies to help yourself and others “get down the river safely.”
Meet Dr. Scott Graham…
Dr. Scott Graham is an expert in leadership development and cultivating highly effective teams. He has over 30 years of experience in teaching, consulting, coaching and speaking, as well as conducting research in leadership, management and team effectiveness. Dr. Graham’s current work focuses on building highly effective teams using a research-based, application oriented blend of workforce engagement, strengths-focus and emotional intelligence skill development. In his consultant role, he possesses a keen ability to identify core issues and develop a realistic, meaningful plan to assist organizations to develop achievable results.
Dr. Graham’s leadership skill development began with his service in the United States Air Force, where he retired as Lieutenant Colonel. In the USAF, he spent several years as Director of Quality Improvement for an 80,000-person global organization. He was the first Quality Improvement director of the Air Force Institute of Technology, where he also was faculty in the graduate management program. Scott served as quality improvement consultant for leaders and teams throughout the Air Force. Prior to obtaining his graduate degrees and beginning his work in leadership and quality, Scott’s first assignment in the Air Force was in a flight squadron where he was on a B-52 flight crew. In that role, he first learned the value and importance of a high-functioning team.
Dr. Graham has nearly three decades of experience teaching leadership at the graduate and undergraduate level. He led the development of graduate and undergraduate leadership programs at a large university. Currently, he is Clinical Professor of Leadership at The Ohio State University School of Medicine, where he teaches leadership to healthcare professional students. He also founded, directs and teaches in the OSU Leadership Academy for Peak Performance.
Dr. Graham earned his Ph.D. in Management from The Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia, and his M.S. in Logistics Management from the Air Force Institute of Technology. His is the author of the popular leadership user’s guide, Leadership Boosters, available on Amazon. He is certified using the Emotional Quotient Inventory and the Gallup StrengthsFinder. Scott publishes and presents on leadership-related topics in professional journals and at state, national and international professional organizations. He has been president of the regional chapter of the American Society of Training and Development. He is a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association. His partial client list includes NCR, OhioHealth, Goodrich, Bahama Breeze, Miami Valley Hospital, USAF, Kodak Corporation, US Navy, Mercy Community Health Partners, The Ohio State University and United Technology Corporation.
What people are saying…
“Fantastic content! Phenomenal speaker! Passionate speaker, and very inspiring!”
“Being new in a leadership role, the opportunity to network and grow with other professionals was awesome! The relationships that formed from the initial connections are ongoing. One-on-one sessions with healthcare and leadership professionals are insightful and confidence-building. Having a ‘safe haven’ to discuss issues with associated solutions challenges you to take chances and think outside the box. In short, the program is priceless!”
“I was blown away. This was a very well-done seminar.”
“I learned valuable, takeaway skills on communicating and resolving interpersonal workplace problems in a very effective manner to solve conflicts in a team setting.”
“The leadership curriculum Dr. Graham designed and delivered greatly helped us to become more cohesive, even though we have such diverse personalities in our group.”
“I thought the program was exceptional. I plan to utilize all of the concepts in my practice.”
“This was one of the best workshops I have ever attended. The material was excellent and provided a number of powerful pearls for practice.”
“Amazing. I enjoyed all five days. This was absolutely worth my time!”
“Wonderful atmosphere where like-minded, motivated leaders can engage each other, redefine skills and tools, and get fresh new ideas about how to take their leadership to the next level. Truly enjoyed every minute!”
Books by T. Scott Graham, Ph.D.
This booster guide workbook provides high impact, positive, and practical ways to improve your leadership skills. Whether you are facing challenges in a leadership role, or expect to be promoted and want to hone your skills, or want improvement strategies on how you teach, train and coach others, this guide book can give you information you can use immediately. With this guide, you will learn how to: Develop situational awareness Identify competencies in yourself and others Receive honest feedback on your leadership skills Become a more confident, competent leader Leading others can be extremely rewarding. Leadership can be learned and enhanced. Through case studies, worksheets, self-assessments, and research-based leadership development knowledge, you can further develop your own leadership skill set. Whether you are a new, experienced, or future leader, you can make a meaningful impact on the people you work with today with this collection of Leadership Boosters.