Deborah Deras, M.S., C.R.C., ALSP

Deborah Deras, M.S., C.R.C., ALSP

Top Peak Performance Latina Speaker shows how to achieve more with less effort by leveraging the power of Synergy to optimize energy and maximize productivity.

Helaine Harris

Helaine Harris

Business Coach/Therapist shows how to attract ideal clients and customers and bring your gifts, talents, products and message to the world while honoring your Soul.

Bruce Hodes

Bruce Hodes

Business consultant and former psychotherapist shows how to grow a powerful, profitable business and achieve sustainable growth in these challenging times.

Walter Jackson

Walter Jackson

Four-Sport star athlete who reinvented himself when a tragic car accident stole his career shows how to triumph over any life challenge by “sporting the right attitude.”

Niruby James

Niruby James

Motivational speaker gives your audience A Burst of Positive Energy by showing how to “Think it, Feel it, Say it, Do it – and feel better now!”