As a physician practicing orthopedic acupuncture, it is essential to educate patients on the healing process of traditional Chinese medicine. Speaker Services has placed me in front of an audience that is searching for my information, which results in many new...
Speaker Services put me on the map as an international speaker. I have spoken to groups of 500 business people in Mexico City, Barcelona and Madrid. ~ Bill Rose
I have to say that of all the sources I have placed my listing on, Speakers Services, in my opinion, is the best place to be hanging out! I receive 3-5 calls a month with speaking requests just from this service. I have never seen that anywhere else. You are the best...
I have had the opportunity to speak to a wide variety of audiences all over the country, thanks to the online directory. One of the best investments I have made in my business! ~ Jeffrey Levine
Even though I just joined Speakers Services, I have already been contacted by four prestigious companies, and my first engagement will be with the LA Police Academy. Not a bad beginning! ~ Susanne Shapiro