Contact Info
Phone: 954-563-2394
E-Mail: tom@thomasrnoonan.com
Website: http://www.thomasrnoonan.com
Blog: http://www.thomasrnoonan.com/investment-blog.cfm
Speaker Sheet
Availability: Florida, National, International
Social Media

Topics: Business, Money Mindset, Prosperity, College Speaking, Financial Freedom, Investing
Areas: Florida, National, International
Titles: Investment Expert, College Career-Planning Speaker, Keynote Business Speaker
Would you like to learn how to safeguard your money and/or invest it globally for greater upside potential and lower risk? Are you ready to build your nest egg, but lack the know-how to structure it for long term sustainability? A self-professed “history professor on the subject of money and investing,” Thomas R. Noonan is a veteran investment advisor, college career planner, TV/radio host, and professional speaker, whose keen historical perspective of the financial markets helps his audience better plan their financial future to maximize profits.
Passionate, knowledgeable, energetic, and informative, Tom is consistently rated highest among the speakers at every conference he attends. His presentations are geared especially to that large majority who do not have a solid understanding of money and investing, are ignorant of the cause of economic downturns, do not recognize risk, and are not sufficiently prepared for retirement. He shows how to spot those who prey on people who lack financial knowledge and arms you with tips to avoid them so you never get taken advantage of as you plan your financial future.
Over the past 40 years, Tom has been a senior vice president of an investment banking company, owner and president of an FINRA registered broker/dealer, owner and president of a registered investment advisory company, and committee member of the Pacific Stock Exchange. He holds multiple registrations in the investment industry, has been a consultant for Joint Labor Management of the Retail Food Industry, featured on TV and radio, and quoted in newspapers and magazines throughout the U.S.
Need a dynamic college speaker? Tom is passionate about the career opportunities available today in the financial sector. “The average investment advisor is about five years from retirement, and only 5% of those employed in the industry are 30 or younger,” he points out, noting that “the opportunity is even greater for young women.”
Everyone leaves Tom’s fun, energetic presentations with an informed perspective on global financial markets and what this means to investors today, confident that they are better positioned for managing their assets and making smarter investment decisions in the future.
Best-fit Audiences
- Corporations business groups, nonprofits
- Baby Boomers, Millennials, Retirees
- Colleges, Universities
- Business and civic groups
- Entrepreneurs, small offices
- Political and historical groups/associations
Offered as keynotes, breakouts, seminars or workshops, retreats, trainings and Webinars. Thomas R. Noonan is also available as a panel guest or moderator.
Investment Terms Explained
Are you mystified by the meaning of various investment terms? Most people have heard about “bull markets” or “bear markets,” but what about “risk on” or “risk off”? If your advisor recommends “puts” or “calls,” do you fully understand what he or she is suggesting you do? What are derivatives? Do you own any, and should you? Should “alternative investments” be part of your portfolio? Should you consider a “robo-advisor” for future investing? What does a “black swan” event connote in the world of investing? What is “triple witching” and what happens on “Freaky Friday”? What are “bond vigilantes”? Did you know that the banking system has a “roach motel”?
In this humorous, informative presentation, Tom Noonan explains these and many other “Wall Street” terms, and discusses how they became part of the investment world in which we live. Audiences leave this presentation significantly savvier about the language of Wall Street, better prepared to discuss their investments with a professional, as well as colleagues and friends.
How to Invest if Interest Rates Rise in the Future
In this informative presentation relative to a rise in interest rates, Tom explores the potential for impact on your investments and answers all your questions, including:
- How will any increase affect your (401)k or your retirement account?
- What has happened in the past as interest rates rose?
- How would a new mortgage or the purchase of a new home be affected?
- What traditionally happens to real estate values, stock markets, bond markets, and gold prices?
- Will this raise the cost of my next car?
- What can I do to protect my investments?
- How can I take advantage of higher interest rates?
Build an Exciting Career as an Investment Advisor
College and university students take note: There’s a huge career opportunity today that has never existed before—investment advisory. The average U.S. investment advisor is within five years of retirement, and only 5% of them are 30 or younger!
This is an even greater opportunity for women, who are not yet fully represented in the industry. The Financial Wealth Advisors Council found that 75% of high-net-worth women are the financial heads of their households, but when they hire an investment advisor, most are dissatisfied with the service they receive. This workplace void creates a huge opportunity for younger women to come in and fill.
If you choose to work in a small-town community there is a very good chance of making a higher than average income. However, if you’re willing to relocate to a major metropolitan area, such as New York, Los Angeles, or Chicago, the opportunity to earn $100,000 per month becomes increasingly more realistic. All of these opportunities and more are explained in Tom’s college and university presentations.
College students who are on the fence about their careers or uncertain about their opportunities in the workforce will leave this eye-opening presentation ready to explore the exciting opportunities in the field of investment advisory.
Meet Thomas R. Noonan…
In 1966, after earning his B.S. degree in Economics from Florida Southern College, Thomas R. Noonan began his financial career on Wall Street. His professional credentials include: senior vice president of an investment banking company, owner and president of a FINRA registered broker/dealer, owner and president of a registered investment advisory company, and committee member of the Pacific Stock Exchange. He also holds multiple registrations in the investment industry.
A sought-after media expert, Tom has been featured in Money Magazine, Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, Miami Herald, Las Vegas Sun, Reno Gazette, and Financial News, and he has hosted “South Florida Radio and Television Financial News.” The Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel calls Thomas R. Noonan “one of South Florida’s most respected brokers.”
Professional accomplishments include: Speaker, International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP); NYSE General Securities Representative; Registered Commodities Representative; Registered Options Representative; Registered Options Principal; NYSE Branch Office Manager; General Securities Principal; Financial Principal; Municipal Registered Representative; Municipal Securities Principal; Member, Equity Marketing Committee, Pacific Stock Exchange; Consultant, Joint Labor Management Committee, Retail Food Industry.
What people are saying…
“One of the best speakers I have ever heard. Tom’s weaving of terminology into the history of the markets is a fascinating lesson. I first heard him speak at two conferences in California and then I hired him to speak to all the employees of our CPA firm.”
—David Dorsey, Bond Bebee CPAs; Washington, D.C., Bethesda, MD