Contact Info
Contact: 951-623-0986
E-Mail: flysfar311@gmail.com
Availability: Riverside, Orange and San Bernardino Counties; Central and Southern California; Nationwide
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Topics: Individual Performance Enhancement, Customized Personal Training, Person-to-Person Communication, Leadership Development
Travels from: California
Title: Inspirational Speaker and Strategic Life Coach
Inspirational speaker and Strategic Life Coach shows students, teachers, and any audience how to rise above life’s challenges, overcome any obstacle, and change your thinking to change your life.
Are you frustrated because life’s roadblocks and challenges keep you from reaching your dreams? “Change your thinking and you change your life,” says Tom Sockwell, whose energetic, heartfelt talk presents his proven 5-action-step formula that helps students, teachers, and any audience rise above negative circumstances to express their unique gifts and talents. “In just 30 days, you can change a habit, and in 90 days, it becomes a permanent change for life,” says Tom. And it’s not just talk. A series of tragedies in his childhood challenged Tom to the max. When he was 8, his father died, and a few years later, his mother had a mental breakdown and went insane. Forced to support himself at an early age, Tom’s education was thwarted, but his passion for learning grew stronger, and while driving a truck for a living, he devoured books on tape. To deal with crippling anxiety and panic attacks, he became a Life Coach, Reiki Master, and Tibetan Breath Master, and today he shows students, educators, and any audience how to deal with life’s obstacles and transform setbacks into success.
“Change your thoughts and you change your life” is Tom’s powerful message, as he deeply connects with his audience, jumpstarts their self-confidence, and helps them turn what they perceive as negative “differences” into positive strengths. If you’re a student whose grades don’t reflect your abilities, or a teacher who can’t control your class because of “the tyranny of the few,” you’ll learn how to stop making excuses, focus on your abilities, and replace old thinking patterns with new ones so you can succeed in spite of your current circumstances.
A Strategic Life Coach and Certified Trainer for the “Time to Teach” program developed by CTE (Center for Teacher Effectiveness), Tom gives you the keys to restoring your confidence and reclaiming self-esteem. Combining his rich life experience in both the white and blue collar worlds with his background in classroom management and enhanced learning, Tom connects deeply with each audience member, inspiring them to believe in themselves once again and resolve to never give up. His energy and enthusiasm engulf the room and take over every participant. You’ll leave this life-changing talk infused with hope and confidence, convinced that you really do have the power to change your thoughts and take back your life.
Best-fit Audiences
- Corporations, business groups, non-profits
- Executive managers, sales reps, team leaders
- Churches, community organizations.
- Colleges, universities, schools, youth groups
- Business and civic groups
- Entrepreneurs, small offices
- Travel companies
- Hospitality organizations
- Museums
- Entertainment venues
- Restaurants/Restaurant Associations
- Libraries
- Health care groups, hospitals, medical offices
- Nursing programs, medical centers
- Health spas, fitness centers
- Rehab centers, recovery support groups
- Caretakers, healers, health workers, cancer survivors
- Therapists, psychologists, counselors and coaches
- Women’s groups
Presented as a keynote, breakout, workshop or seminar (½ day, full-day) retreat, training, and webinar. Tom Sockwell is also available as a panel guest or moderator.
Change Your Thoughts…. Change Your Life!
Do you know that you have the power to change your circumstances so that nothing can hold you back? In this powerful keynote presentation, Tom Sockwell shows how to overcome negative thoughts, change your perception of who you are and your true potential, and create the life you want. You’ll delete the word “can’t” from your vocabulary as you learn that “different” does not mean “defective, and that others can never define who you are unless you allow them to.
Tom’s ability to connect deeply with each person in the audience provides a safe place to analyze your trials and successes, repair your self-image, and believe in yourself again. Everyone leaves this motivating keynote armed with Tom’s powerful 5-step program that changes thoughts into feelings – and then into actions that transform their lives.
Meet Tom Sockwell…
Tom Sockwell has spent many years lecturing and teaching individual performance enhancement, improved communication, and leadership development. He pursued his undergraduate studies at Central State University, Ohio, and received his Master’s Degree in Natural Medicine from Trinity College in Indiana. More recently, he became a nationally certified CTE (Center for Teacher Effectiveness) trainer, demonstrating and installing the “Time-to-Teach” system of classroom management and enhanced learning at all levels of primary and secondary education.
Tom brings additional training in Tibetan breath control, meditation, and Reiki energy work to his counseling. This gives him extensive knowledge of the relationship between body, mind, and spirit and their ultimate unity.
He has lectured and keynoted at Learning Light Center in Orange County, California, and Sherman Indian High School in Riverside, where he presented cutting-edge techniques that addressed students’ survival needs and gave them a long-term blueprint for successful living.
For the past decade, Tom and his family has made Riverside, California, their home.
What people are saying…
Tom is a highly-motivated and enthusiastic person who cares about uplifting his fellow man. His energy and authenticity enable people to take away a wealth of valuable information from his presentation. I have known Tom to be a man of integrity who has exhibited a genuine fearlessness in the pursuit of truth.
– Dr. Anita Gadhia-Smith, author of From Addiction to Recovery: A Therapist’s Personal Journey, www.practicaltherapy.net
I would highly recommend Tom to as many people as possible because his message is very effective and motivating to people at all levels. His advice and tips for success are practical and necessary for anybody looking for peace of mind in their world.
– Elizabeth Estrada, American Red Cross, Western Region, Editor-in-Chief of www.uplifetheworld.com
Tom has a divine gift of connecting with people at the core level. He’s an outstanding listener, extremely resourceful, and the most caring coach I have ever met. He cares so much that he jumps into helping and coaching right away!
– Paola Montalba
When I started with Tom, I was on anxiety medication… a walking Zombie, afraid to feel my feelings because I thought I would die if I looked over my life. Tom gave me the courage to talk about the difficult things that I swore I would never admit to myself, let alone anyone else. Because of this journey, I have become a better woman, wife and friend. I’ve lost 48 pounds and gained much-needed peace in my life. I would recommend this wonderful man to guide anyone to becoming the best you can be.
– Delores Washington, Logistics Analyst
Tom is a gentleman who is kind, gentle, wise, and patient. I have know him for three years, and the only sentence I sum up with about him is “what a great spiritual being he is.” He opens himself up to help anyone that comes his way and all of us are very grateful for what he has done. The only wonder I have about him is when does he sleep.
– Dr. Sabrina Chin-Shefi, Ph.D., Doctor of Naturopathy